Simon Sinek 

“A boss has the title, a leader has the people.”

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Nurturing the Seed: Adopting the Concept of Radical Growth in Your Org

Radical growth – the term itself sounds extraordinary and maybe even a bit audacious. But at its core, the concept of radical growth is really simple. It’s about nurturing the seeds of possibility, giving them the right conditions to grow, and watching them flourish into ideas that transform your organization. At The Rumin8 Group, I’ve made radical growth a cornerstone of our work, and I’m excited to share how you can adopt this approach in your organization.

Picture this: in one of our programs, we handed each participant a seed and a pot on Day 1. It was their responsibility to acquire soil, tend to the seed, and bring back their plant at the end of six months. The goal was to measure the level of commitment people had toward nurturing their individual seeds.

The results? Well, they were pretty revealing and maybe not too far off of what you’re imagining. While some plants thrived, bolstered by the unwavering commitment of their caretakers, others had withered and even died, the evidence of sporadic or completely lacking care. It allowed us to quickly identify who was and wasn’t committed to the process – but also to get to the “why” behind the results.

For the context of this article, this experiment encapsulates the essence of radical growth: it requires consistency, discipline, and adherence to standards. If we want groundbreaking ideas to take root and flourish, we must be committed to the process.

The impact of such a commitment is profound, leading to anticipated results based on long-term dedication. Consider the compounding effect, a principle that attests that small, consistent behaviours over time lead to massive change. And I’ve said it before – it takes 90 days to see the results of new behaviour, but 90 days is a long time to commit to. This commitment is, too often, the distinction between success and failure.

To illustrate, let’s take the simple practice of rising early. Committing to waking up at 5 am and dedicating that first hour of the day to personal productivity might seem insignificant in isolation. But when compounded over time, that single hour translates into an extra 15.3 days of productivity in a year. Now, imagine the impact of that on your life, your business, your dreams. What progress could you make if you committed to X, Y, or Z?

The power of radical growth is in the small, consistent efforts you put forth. This concept aligns closely with the teachings in James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, specifically the idea of habit stacking, where you develop new behaviours by integrating them into already existing habits. It’s about adopting a “take the stairs” approach to life, where each small step compounds over time, leading to monumental changes.

To adopt the Radical Growth Concept in your organization, the first step is acknowledging the power of commitment. Recognize that small actions over time yield significant results. Secondly, create an environment conducive to growth, where the seeds of ideas can be nurtured and incubated. Lastly, take a disciplined approach to the process. Consistency is the key to achieving radical growth.

So, as you contemplate adopting the radical growth concept, remember, “It’s not that you can’t; it’s that you won’t.” 

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